Successful Wildlife Photography requires a combination of:
technical awareness and skill,
a creative eye,
and timing.
Understanding your subject is critical in achieving the stunning photograph you desire. Our photography focused programming will:
familiarize you with the features of professional cameras that need to be considered when photographing in different conditions
teach you to visualize your ideal photograph, and perceive your environment in new and exciting ways (through The Art of Seeing)
teach you to access your subject safely and respectfully in order to capture a genuine, wildlife moment or scene, with minimal impact on the environment
Don't have a DSLR? No Problem!
Today, beautiful photographs and documentaries are being produced using built-in smart phone cameras. And even with access to high quality camera equipment, an opportunity may arise where you just don't have the time to set up your gear for the shot. A great photograph starts with a good sense of style and access to your subject. This program offers these tools to get you started on your life long photography journey.
As with all of our programming, we are happy to design an experience that suites your private, recreational, educational, professional, tourism and corporate needs.

This program was designed in accordance with Leave No Trace principals